Thank you for this. It's important to understand that JD Vance is not only the cat's paw of Thiel/Musk/Andreesen/McNeely et al, he's also deeply connected to the Christian Nationalist movement, in particular to the paleo-Catholicism of Opus Dei and related reactionary organizations. https://johnsundman.substack.com/p/i-created-peter-thiel-who-gave-us?r=38b5x

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if they can do this to me, they can do this to you meant for other criminal billionaires and they listened.

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You are a delightful writer.

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Brutal stuff, the wolf is wearing fox's clothing. For some reason I'm not surprised.

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Love ya man! Great writing. I don’t understand what Trump thinks he is gaining from this crypto nonsense. It’s not like btc or crypto in general is popular with voters. Maybe Don Jr or Javanka has his ear. Trump is very impressionable and not a great judge of character.

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Is Mark Cuban the only reputable billionaire? Are there others? Inquiring minds want to know


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not sure i would call him particularly reputable but he does know how to get out at the top of tech bubbles and turn critical in a way that makes him look very reputable/smart. he did it during the dotcom bubble with his first company and he did it during the crypto bubble.

but sure there are reputable billionaires. warren buffett and charlie munger come to mind immediately, both of whom called crypto "rat poison".

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he does seem to be doing a good thing there and radio on internet wasn't a whole scale fraud or anything, just noting his kind of uncanny ability to get out while the getting's good

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Agree with this sentiment about Cuban and zero, zip, nada, not one large company has done anything with crypto in the fifteen years that it has existed. Walmart, Amazon, apple, target, Costco or any other retailer, Even Tesla backed out accepting it. ETFs don’t count, they’re fee generators like any other etf.

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