Another masterpiece. Damn, this is all profoundly disturbing.

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we aim to disturb.

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Serving mankind…

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This is like watching cancer metastasize in its host.

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…cancer that was almost totally beaten back in November 2022 by the FTXplosion but that has come roaring back, stronger than ever before

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Sort of like the anti-Obi-Wan. I can’t handle all this dark enlightenment shit. I think the lead for this video captures the essence of it: the super rich have gotten away with creating a pseudo religion they’ve groomed entire generations of men to follow in their footsteps..


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yeah and @taylorlorenz made that video before all the stuff came out about The Com, Kiwi Farms, and whatever I dug up in this post.

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Thank you for staying on top of this. What’s happening with DOGE and its puppies…this is bad, really bad.

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Great work digging up the details.

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Remember, the current term of art for these creeps is Dogebags...

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thx for the tip

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Nice work. I predict a few pardons coming in about four years.

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Whats your take on Milei $Libra recent move? Disturbing trend

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my take is that this is the memecoin economy now so this was inevitable and there will be more like it. also my (wholly evidence free) hunch is that justin sun was behind LIBRA.

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Makes sense. There seems to be some connection between milei and the KIP protocol guys, they visited the country múltiple times the past week

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Good sleuthing. There is such a high degree of overlap between former crypto shills, AI snake oil grifters, and rightwing Elon simps. I wish these nihilistic assholes didn't so often gravitate to tech, an industry I joined 20 yrs ago because I thought we could solve real problems.

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crypto grifters transmogrified themselves into AI grifters before our eyes the day ChatGPT was released to the public.

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Blackrock Larry Fink selling junk (bitcoin ETF) bonds

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The federal government is a World Series level Ponzi that makes the various crypto Ponzi schemes look like a bunch of 5 year-olds trying to hit a ball off a stand in a community T-ball league. The Pentagon and its unaccountable blackhole slush fund defense expenditures is the MOAP, mother of all Ponzi. If Musk's DOGE does to the defense budget what it's doing to the other taxpayer funded slush fund agencies, who cares about previous LinkedIn profiles? If they don't and DOGE ends up being a superficial distraction, your post may have relevance.

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i mean i guess bernie madoff could do a lot of good if you put him back in charge of the New York Stock Exchange. does that mean Americans should do that?

i'm very much in favor of dismantling the Pentagon's budget. I'm just not sure crypto grifters with a track record are the right men for the the job.

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For all we know about him, I wouldn't equate Gautier Killian with Bernie Madoff.

My skepticism has been turned up to 11 for decades, but I'm open to watching how things turn out.

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then you probably don't fully grok what an incredibly obvious ponzi scheme terra/luna was or how many people it hurt.

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"If Musk's DOGE [...] your post may have relevance."

This is a weird dichotomy in several ways.

I'll just posit that "defense" spending will remain the same in the aggregate, or increase, but the portion that goes to Musk will skyrocket. Then we'll be reliant on his companies, without any way to hold him accountable. We'll be even more vulnerable to his whims and to other enemies at home and abroad.

Anti-DEI bullshit and cost-shuffling at the margins are the means to these ends.

I hope I'm wrong. Time will tell.

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the anti-USAID (and to a lesser extent anti-DEI) bullshit is also great PR because the money is spent outside the country as part of american "soft power" (the fact that journalists are way cheaper than missiles + the fact that the PRC is just going to step in to fill the void in global newsroom payrolls seems completely lost on these people). the pentagon is where the real cuts need to be made but unfortunately it's also true that lockheed & northrup manufacture some small part of their weapons systems in basically every congressional district in the country so i suspect we won't really see any cuts (sadly). suspect SpaceX is gonna get a bunch of new contracts though.

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I agree on every point.

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Actually, most USAID money, like most aid to Ukraine's invasion defense money, is spent here in the good ol' US of A on, in the case of USAID, American farm products and, in the case of Ukraine, American armaments. Last I checked, both of those industries create American jobs, and workers in both industries voted for their own faces being eaten by Musk's leopards...

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yeah that's especially true for Ukraine aid which is a massive % of the overall USAID budget. as a % of its budget you're probably correct, but the stuff people are harping on is things like "sesame street for arab children" and "money for OCCRP" (both of which i would defend to the death but these guys don't understand the concept of "soft power" or "funding antti-corruption")

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